–– Conference (co-)organized, a.r.t.e.s. forum 2022 – Wissenschaft trifft Gesellschaft, University of Cologne, July 7–8, 2022, with funding from Graduate School of the Humanities/UoC, Stiftung Mercator, Cologne Center of Language Sciences, and Fonds Gebärdensprach- und Schriftdolmetschen. Find a PDF of the program brochure here.
–– Paper "Re-Imagining Intimacies: An Account of the Contemporary Arts,“ Across Distance – Cambridge AHRC Conference, September 15, 2021.
–– "Bringt zusammen, wo es entzweit: Ästhetisch-epistemische Potenziale der Gegenwartskünste zwischen Evidenzgewinnung, Propaganda und Versammlung". Panel at the XI. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ästhetik at Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, July 15, 2021, with Sebastian Mühl and Lisa Stuckey. Find the full program of the congress here.
–– Symposion (co-)organized „A Commonplace is not a Cliché”: Perspektiven auf Öffentlichkeiten, asynchrone Allgemeinplätze und infrastrukturelle Intimitäten. July 9–10, 2021, Basler Hof, Freiburg im Breisgau. Organized by Christoph Chwatal and Lisa Stuckey in the framework of Biennale für Freiburg and in collaboration with Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe. For details on the Symposion see ArtHist.net and the Biennale für Freiburg homepage. Find a PDF version of the booklet here.
Symposion contributions by Mirela Baciak, Christoph Chwatal, Elke Krasny, Sven Lütticken, Viktor Neumann, Karina Nimmerfall, Lisa Stuckey, Simon Strick, and Karen van den Berg. The symposion was complemented by a series of workshops on July 9, 2021, a scenography by Diane Hillebrand, as well as a screening of Michel Auder's video work MAY '68 in '78 (1978/2019). The seminar "Other Forms of Conviviality" at Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe further expanded „A Commonplace is not a Cliché”.
–– Member of the Curatorial Advisory Board of Biennale für Freiburg (first edition May–September 2021), together with Aziza Harmel, Fanny Hauser, Magdalena Stöger, and Fritz Laszlo Weber. Invited by Artistic Director Leon Hösl.
–– Introduction and Chair to Panel “Propaganda (Art) Research”, Conference "Propaganda Art in the 21st Century," Akademie van Kunsten/Koniklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, March 5, 2020.
–– Paper "Das Para-Museum im Spiegel institutionskritischer Kunstpraktiken der Gegenwart.” Workshop “Das radikaldemokratische Museum,“ Depot Vienna, June 24, 2019.
–– Exhibition “Christoph Chwatal and Christian Mühlbauer at Asala Halal Food.” March 17, 2019.
–– Panel Discussion ”Talking about Writing.“ Tanzquartier Wien (TQW), June 22, 2018.
–– Panel Moderator “On the Role of Art Criticism.” KUNST HAUS WIEN, November 21, 2017.
–– Panel “Kunstkritik heute.” Award ceremony and panel discussion for the first AICA (Association Internationale des Critiques d'Art) Prize for Young Art Criticism, August 29, 2017.
–– Podcast conversation on "Partizipation", with Markus Bader (raumlabor Berlin) and Heimo Lattner, Fuß in der Tür – Der Podcast für Urbane Praktiker*innen, December 11, 2022. Listen here.
–– Conference co-organized, a.r.t.e.s. forum 2022 – Wissenschaft trifft Gesellschaft, University of Cologne, July 7–8, 2022, with funding from Graduate School of the Humanities/UoC, Stiftung Mercator, Cologne Center of Language Sciences, and Fonds Gebärdensprach- und Schriftdolmetschen. Find a PDF of the program brochure here.
–– Paper "Re-Imagining Intimacies: An Account of the Contemporary Arts,“ Across Distance – Cambridge AHRC Conference, September 15, 2021.
–– "Bringt zusammen, wo es entzweit: Ästhetisch-epistemische Potenziale der Gegenwartskünste zwischen Evidenzgewinnung, Propaganda und Versammlung". Panel at the XI. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ästhetik at Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, July 15, 2021, with Sebastian Mühl and Lisa Stuckey. Find the full program of the congress here.
–– Symposion co-organized „A Commonplace is not a Cliché”: Perspektiven auf Öffentlichkeiten, asynchrone Allgemeinplätze und infrastrukturelle Intimitäten. July 9–10, 2021, Basler Hof, Freiburg im Breisgau. Organized by Christoph Chwatal and Lisa Stuckey in the framework of Biennale für Freiburg and in collaboration with Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe. For details on the Symposion see ArtHist.net and the Biennale für Freiburg homepage. Find a PDF version of the booklet here.
Symposion contributions by Mirela Baciak, Christoph Chwatal, Elke Krasny, Sven Lütticken, Viktor Neumann, Karina Nimmerfall, Lisa Stuckey, Simon Strick, and Karen van den Berg. The symposion was complemented by a series of workshops on July 9, 2021, a scenography by Diane Hillebrand, as well as a screening of Michel Auder's video work MAY '68 in '78 (1978/2019). The seminar "Other Forms of Conviviality" at Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe further expanded „A Commonplace is not a Cliché”.
–– Introduction and Chair to Panel “Propaganda (Art) Research”, Conference "Propaganda Art in the 21st Century," Akademie van Kunsten/Koniklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Amsterdam. March 5, 2020.
–– Paper "Das Para-Museum im Spiegel institutionskritischer Kunstpraktiken der Gegenwart.” Workshop “Das radikaldemokratische Museum“, Depot Vienna, June 24, 2019.
–– Exhibition “Christoph Chwatal and Christian Mühlbauer at Asala Halal Food.” March 17, 2019.
–– Panel Discussion ”Talking about Writing.“ Tanzquartier Wien (TQW), June 22, 2018.
–– Panel Moderator “On the Role of Art Criticism.” KUNST HAUS WIEN, November 21, 2017.
–– Panel “Kunstkritik heute.” Award ceremony and panel discussion for the first AICA (Association Internationale des Critiques d'Art) Prize for Young Art Criticism, August 29, 2017.